News & Events
Sensing high electric fields using lithium niobate
In a collaboration with the High Voltage Laboratory at the department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (D-ITET), we have used our photonic integrated circuits to optically measure electric field strengths.
Event: SPIE Photonics West - January 25-30, 2025
See us at the SPIE Photonics West 2025 next week!
Photonic integrated circuits on thin-film lithium niobate for optical quantum communication
Lithium niobate-on-insulator, a leading platform for high speed telecommunication, can also be used to generate quantum bits of information.
Visible high extinction ratio electro-optic modulator via frequency upconversion for atomic systems
We realized a device that modulates the signal in the C-band and generates the second harmonic, obtaining a signal in the visible with double extinction ratio.
Roadmap on photonic metasurfaces
We proudly contributed to an in-depth and comprehensive overview on where the field of photonic metasurfaces is advancing.
Large-scale photonic computing with nonlinear disordered media
Nonlinearity is essential for neural networks but extremely challenging to implement with light. Here, we demonstrate how a nonlinear disordered material can enhance the performance of state-of-the-art photonic neuromorphic computing.
Large-scale bottom-up three-dimensional nonlinear photonic crystals
Adding a new dimension to the bottom-up fabrication of second-harmonic photonic crystals.
Programmable Interferometric Circuit for Quantum Photonic Processors
We are excited to share our latest publication in the field of integrated quantum photonics.
Visible high extinction ratio electro-optic modulator via frequency upconversion for atomic systems
Check out our paper here:
Diversity of teaching
In her course "Nanomaterials for Photonics", Prof. Rachel Grange trains her students to become the engineers & scientists of tomorrow.
New professors appointed
At its meeting of 9 and 10 December 2020 and upon application of Joël Mesot, President of ETH Zurich, the ETH Board appointed 14 professors, among them Rachel Grange as Associate Professor of Photonics and Judit Szulágyi as Assistant Professor of Computational Astrophysics at the Departement of Physics.
2020 VMP Assistant Award
The association of mathematics, physics and CSE (Computational Science and Engineering) students has awarded the 2020 VMP Assistant Award to ten student teaching assistants from the Departments of Mathematics and Physics.
Blue light from an optical chip: near-ultraviolet applications can be now (even more) miniaturized!
A single waveguide converts and broadens light into the near-ultraviolet spectrum
Barium Titanate Nanostructures and Thin Films for Photonics
We present our new article on "Barium Titanate Nanostructures and Thin Films for Photonics", which is part of the Advanced Optical Materials Hall of Fame article series. We review the progress in various applications based on barium titanate nanostructures and thin films for photonics and forsee future technologies that may benefit from this material platform in the near future.
Well-formed disorder for versatile light technologies
We have managed to make an efficient material for broadband frequency doubling of light using microspheres made of disordered nanocrystals.
Start of Peer Mentoring Programme
The first peer-mentoring programme for female first semester Bachelor students started with a welcoming-apéro organized by Viola Vogler-Neuling from the ONG group last week. Prof. Rachel Grange joined to welcome the students as she is currently teaching the Physics 1 lecture and was strongly supporting the programme.
Back Cover selection of our research at physica status solidi b
Solution-processed barium titanate nonlinear woodpile photonic structures with large surface areas – Issue 5, 2020
Start of Physics I lectures today
Prof. Dr. Rachel Grange is teaching the Physics I lectures in autumn semester 2020.
Front Cover selection of our research on Advanced Optical Materials
Switchable Photonic Metasurfaces: Electro‐Optic Metasurfaces Based on Barium Titanate Nanoparticle Films - Issue 17, 2020.
Upoming Event: METANANO - September 14-18, 2020
See us online at Metanano!
Pioneer fellow at the ONG!
The ONG member Marc Reig Escalé has been awarded with an ETH Pioneer Fellowship, where the commercialization of photonic integrated circuits for telecommunications will take place. Congratulations!
Upcoming Event: EOSAM - September 7-11, 2020
See us online at EOSAM!
Engineering of the Second‐Harmonic Emission Directionality with III–V Semiconductor Rod Nanoantennas
We demonstrated a method to control and redirect the directionality of second‐harmonic generation emission by engineering the geometry and position of rod nanoantennas, fabricated from sliced III-V semiconductor nanowires. We built a phase array of rod nanoantennas to tailor nonlinear optical response by adjusting their length and position to achieve a targeted phase difference.
Electro‐Optic Metasurfaces Based on Barium Titanate Nanoparticle Films
A novel concept of electro‐optic switching is introduced by A. Karvounis et. al. We employ an adjacent BaTiO3 nanoparticle film to a plasmonic metasurface to electrically control the optical reflection of a photonic metasurface dynamically. Nanoparticle films are deposited on large scale and great uniformity, while maintain optical nonlinear properties such as SHG.
Virtual Poster Session happening on Twitter @PhotonicsMeetup
Check out our posters at the virtual poster session of POM 2020 on 22nd of June!
Photonics Online Meetup POM 2020
Check out the outstanding invited speakers and register today! (it's free!!)
Bottom-up Fabrication of 3D Nonlinear Photonic Crystals
Three dimensional nonlinear photonic crystals are well known candidates for a wide variety of optical applications, but notoriously hard to fabricate in large scale. V. V. Vogler-Neuling et al. combined a bottom-up fabrication technique with barium titanate nanoparticles to achieve large area photonic crystals with up to eight layers.
How to organize an online conference
More than 1000 researchers gathered online for the inaugural Photonics Online Meetup (POM, on January 13th 2020. They simultaneously attend the five hours conference either alone from their personal computer or at their university from hubs distributed across five continents and many time zones.
An international conference - without flight emissions
About a thousand researchers worldwide participated in the Photonics Online Meetup POM20.
Fruitful collaboration with Australia
In collaboration with researchers from Australian National University, G. Saerens and M. Timofeeva demonstrated new types of GaAs nanoantennas with special nonlinear tensorial properties of material, that allows to switch the SHG emission directionality for forward to backward and back only by rotating the polarization of the incident light.
Our science story - EU Grant access
EU Grant access wrote a science story about our projects financed by the European Union.
Smaller than a coin
We have developed a compact infrared spectrometer. It’s small enough to fit on a computer chip but can still open up interesting possibilities – in space and in everyday life.