The Group
The goal of the Optical Nanomaterial Group is to understand the behavior of oxide materials at the nanoscale as for examples lithium niobate (LiNbO3) nanowires or barium titanate (BaTiO3) nanospheres for developing useful applications in optoelectronics or bioimaging. To do so, we use non scanning far-field imaging techniques based on nonlinear multiphoton process called second-harmonic generation. With this research, we want to address open issues for developing very high density memories or new microscope designs.
Find out more about the PI (Download CV (PDF, 160 KB) and Download publication list (PDF, 285 KB) of Rachel Grange) or our research here.

ONG in September 2024 (Kilian J. Kessler)

ONG in June 2023 (ETH Zürich/D-PHYS/Kilian J. Kessler)

ONG in June 2022 (not on this picture: Robert Chapman) (ETH Zürich/D-PHYS/Heidi Hostettler)

ONG in October 2020 (not on this picture: Eric Denérvaud, Jolanda Müller, Dr. Romolo Savo, Sara Gasser)

ONG in December 2018

ONG in Mai 2017

ONG in June 2015