
The second-harmonic generation efficiency from single BaTiO3 nanostructures can be tuned by changing the size and shape of the nanostructure. We take advantage of this property to shape nonlinear optical waves with the use of metasurfaces, which are a periodic arrangement of resonant single nanostructures. We developed a top-down fabrication method of BaTiO3 metasurfaces starting from layers grown by pulsed laser deposition in collaboration with Dr. Morgan Trassin from Laboratory for Multifunctional Ferroic Materials

BTO metasurface
Coating bulk silicon

BaTiO3 crystals have a plethora of optoelectronic properties due to the non-centrosymmetric symmetry of the crystal. The epitaxial production of BaTiO3 films is an expensive and complicate process. Thereby, we employ enabling methods to provide ultrathin nanophotonic devices based on BaTIO3 nanoparticle-films.

Solution-processed nanoparticles can form the basis of subwavelength-thickness films, which are deposited by low-cost methods and uniformly on any type of substrate. Here, we incorporate these nanoparticle films to produce a pallete of colours.



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