The PolarNon is an automated polarimetric multiphoton microscope developped to probe nonlinear optical responses, such as second (SHG) and third (THG) harmonic generation. The non-destructive, contact free and surface sensitive nature of SHG microscopy, makes it a powerful method to study a wide range of material properties with spatial resolution and submicron sensitivity.

The PolarNon is composed of a wide tuning range Ti:Sapphire excitation source, a sCMOS CCD imaging detector which can be combined with a spectrometer, motorized translation and rotation stages and can operate in both transmission and reflection configuration. To simplify the user experience, the setup incorporates a suitable image analysis method to proceed raw SHG images. Thanks to its high flexibility, the PolarNon can also be coupled with other devices to tackles various challenges of materials science.
Investigated materials:
- BaTiO3 (thin-films and nanoparticles)
- SiC thin-films
- III-V materials (GaAs, InAs, …)
- MoS2
- Aluminum oxides and hydroxides
- C-steel
- Metalic thin-films (Au, Ag, Al, …)
- …
Learn more about the PolarNon working principle, specifications and applications Download here (PDF, 2.3 MB)
ETH News article: https://ethz.ch/en/industry/industry/news/data/2019/11/tiny-defects-quickly-identified.html